
Brian Dennehy Visit

Theresa Hawkins and Brian Dennehy2The Atlantic City Free Public Library welcomed a very special guest – award-winning actor Brian Dennehy – to the Main Library for its Film Society program held Sept. 29.
Dennehy spoke to the group after it watched a movie that he starred in, “The Belly of an Architect,” earlier in the day. Dennehy, who won Best Actor at the Chicago Film Festival for that performance, discussed his career and answered questions from the Film Society members.
(Click here to see clips from this program).
“We’re grateful that he took the time out of his busy schedule to visit the Atlantic City Library,” Library Director Robert Rynkiewicz said. “It was a wonderful opportunity for our Film Society members to gain insight about the industry from such an accomplished actor.”
Library Film Society coordinator Theresa Hawkins arranged Dennehy’s visit. She met Dennehy while attending Hunter College (NY), where she earned a bachelor's degree in Film Production.
“Brian had wanted to meet the members ever since he spoke with them via phone during our screening and discussion of his film ‘First Blood’ two years ago,” Hawkins said.
The Film Society has met other industry experts in recent years: entertainment publicist Gary Springer, head of New York City-based Springer Associates PR; Ed McGinty, an actor and historical consultant for HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire” and Diane Raver, founder of the Garden State Film Festival.
Adult Atlantic City Library members (18 years of age and older) in good standing are invited to join the Film Society. The Film Society meets twice every month: first to watch a movie and discuss it, and a second time to discuss a particular aspect related to the film that it just viewed.

Brian Dennehy talking to Atlantic City Library Film Society
Theresa Hawkins and Brian Dennehy6 Theresa Hawkins and Brian Dennehy9
Brian Dennehy Film Society members4
Brian Dennehy with Film Society members2 Theresa Hawkins Brian Dennehy and Robert Rynkiewicz2