Collections on Microfilm
The Atlantic City Heritage Collections has some resources available on microfilm, including local newspapers, census records, city directories, and maps. These may be used whenever the Library is open. To access the microfilm, please bring your library card or computer guest card to the Help Desk.
We offer two types of microfilm machines - the older light box style and a computer-based machine. Both machines allow for printing, but the size of the paper and the costs vary. The computer-based machine also allows for saving to a flash drive (also known as USB or thumb drive). Please ask a Librarian for more information.
The collection's materials on microfilm include:
- The Press of Atlantic City: 1895-present (with exceptions). An index of articles for the years before 1984 does not currently exist. There are two ways to search for a Press article online, if the article was published after 1983.
- The Library's Online Local News Index (1984-current): this database will give you the citation for the article, and then you can access the full-text from the microfilm. The database is available in-house.
- NewsBank (1988-current): this database will give you full-text of the article. It is accessible to all within the Library and, for library members, from outside the Library.
- Atlantic City Review Gazette:1873-1925 (with exceptions)
- Atlantic City Sunday Gazette: 1892-1940 (with exceptions)
- The Daily Union (later known as Daily Evening Union; Evening Union; Atlantic City Evening Union; Evening Union; and Atlantic City Evening Union): 1889-1954 (with exceptions)
- The Jewish Record: November 24, 1939 - December 30, 1966.
Census Records
- Federal Population Census years available: 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 (federal census returns are released 72 years after the date; 1940 census returns should be available in 2012)
- Civil War Veterans and their Widows (special schedule from 1890 Federal Population Census)
- New Jersey State Census years available: 1855, 1865, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915
City Directories
- Atlantic City City Directories: 1872 to 1982. The collection of directories is incomplete but extensive. A complete description and listing is available by following the link.
- Atlases of Atlantic City and Absecon Island: 1885-1924.
- Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Atlantic City: 1886-1952.