• Dr. King Read-in & Luncheon set
    for Jan. 18 at Noyes Arts Garage

    Dr. KingThe Atlantic City Free Public Library held its first Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Read-in back in 2014 — and it quickly became one of the library’s favorite traditions. This year’s Read-in, which will be followed by a free luncheon for attendees, will be held Saturday, Jan. 18, from 2-4 p.m. at Noyes Arts Garage (2200 Fairmount Ave.). Registration is required for this program. Read more about this program.
  • Library work image for monitors and website Oct. 2024
  • New project to focus on city's Asian community

    NJCH wordmark BThe Atlantic City Free Public Library has received a New Jersey Council for the Humanities (NJCH) Community History Pilot Project award for $5,000. The library will utilize the funding for a project focusing on the history of Atlantic City’s Asian community, from the city’s inception in 1854 to present day. Read more about this project.

Local History Biography Files

The Atlantic City Heritage Collections maintains biographical files for people with significant connections to Atlantic City history, past and present. These files may include newspaper clippings, obituaries, photographs, and other paper information. The files are not comprehensive and not all items in the files are dated. An alphabetical list of names in the biographical files is below. The Atlatnic City Heritage Collections also maintains subject clippings files for topics related to Atlantic City history's past and present.

Biography Files are part of the Heston Collection and are only available during research hours.  If you are unable to visit the Library in person, please refer to the information on Copy and Research Fees before contacting the Heston Collection staff.

Local History Biography Files (alphabetical listing of names - last name, first name)

Abate, Catherine
Abbott, Minnie
Abdullah, Hassan
Abel, Bernard
Abrahamson, Elaine
Abramoff, William
Abrams, Harold Paul [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection H007 - Harold P. Abrams Collection]
Abrams, Joseph S.
Abrams, L.R.
Adams, Carleton
Adams, Jessie France
Adams, John S.
Adler, Sam
Agronsky, Martin
Aiken, Willa Mae
Ake, Charles Dr.
Albani, Pedro
Albouy, William "Rube", Capt.
Algar, Leonard
Ali, Arfien Clifford
Allan, A. Livingston
Allen, Catherine
Allen, Gene
Allen, Richard
Allen-Showell, Asa
Allman, David B., Dr.
Allmond, Joseph T.
Allmond, LaRue G.
Alten, Ben
Alten, Mace
Altman, Joseph
Alton, Elizabeth Barstow
Amstutz, Frank W.
Anderson, Charles Alfred "Chief"
Anderson, Omar Ahmed
Anderson, Richard Stanley "Skippy"
Andrews, Clarence L., Dr.
Andrews, John G. "Johnny"
Anthony, Gwendolyn
Applegate, John
Ascher, John
Ashley, Rhoda, Dr.
Austin Family
Avayou Family
Avery, James
Avery, John G.W.

Babcock, Charles C.
Babcock, Ruth
Bacharach Family
Bader, Daniel S.
Bader, Edward L.
Baker, Earl V.
Baker, Irvin
Balliet, L. Dow, Dr. & Mrs.
Bandon-Bibum, Angeline
Bannister, Edward
Barban, Emily Jewell
Barbara-Lacey, Mary
Barber, Stanley SEE: Abdullah, Hassan
Barbera, Frank A.
Barbour, Hubert U.
Barbour, Marlene W.
Barclay, Alexis
Barkan, Ben
Barker, Russell F., Mrs.
Barker, Thomas A.
Barnard, Abel
Barrett, Clark S.
Barstow, Joseph A.
Bartha, Alex
Barth, Charles P., Rev. Msgr. J.C.D.
Bashaw, Curtis
Batzer, Morris
Baxter, Lorraine M.
Baylinson, Myer, Dr.
Beatles, The
Beatty, Dorothy
Beatty, Marvin E., Jr.
Beckwith, John T., Dr.
Behrman, Maude, Sister
Belisle, David W.
Bell, Albert T.
Bell, Cornelius Donald "Corney"
Bell, Daniel H. V.
Bell, Ezra C.
Bennett, Harvey, Rev. Dr.
Bennett, Spencer Miller “Pop”
Berenato, Jack, Sr.
Berke, George H.
Bew Family
Beyer, Albert
Beyer, Walter E.
Birnbaum, Charles
Bishop, Bennie
Black, Albert R.
Black, William J.
Black-Taylor, Barbara
Blake, Eubie
Blatchford, William Wallack, Rev.
Blatt Family
Blaw, Jacob B.
Boehm, William N.
Boggs, Cora
Bois, Marie Josephine
Boucher, Jack E.
Boucher, John L.
Bowen, John W.
Bowker, William
Boyd, James H. [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection – Boyd Family Papers]
Boyd, Marie E. [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection – Boyd Family Papers]
Boyer, Charles B.
Boyer, William C.
Bradley, Erick Nathaniel
Bradley, Ernest James
Bradway, Joseph F.
Brady, James B.
Braha, Abraham
Brand, Harold A.
Brathwaite Family
Braun, Andrew Christian, Rev.
Braymes, Lois
Braymes, Mark A.
Bremmer, Leroy
Brennan, Grace J.
Briscoe, Carl E.
Brock, J.R., Professor
Brodsky, Dr. Emanuel D.
Brooks, John H.
Brown, Carroll W.
Brown, Dave
Brown, Harold Roger
Brown, J. Carlisle, Dr.
Brown, Joan Myers
Brown, Lafayette
Brown, LaGreta
Brown, Michele B.
Browne, Vera Carmen
Brunette, Frank Anthony
Bryant, Horace J.
Bryant, John Lake
Bryant, Lewis T., General
Bryant, Lillian W.
Burch, William D., Jr.
Burke, John P.
Burke, John Sonny
Burns, Harvey T.
Burling, Albert E., Judge
Burton, Angela
Butler, Anna Land
Butler, Frank M.
Butschi, Ernest
Buzby, Walter J. and Family
Byard, Carole
Bykovsky, Sheree

Cain, C. Morris
Callaway Family
Canada, Charlotte, Sister
Canady, Samuel R.
Capone, Al
Carbone, John L. H.
Carmack, James K.
Carpenter, Nadine Boggs
Carrere, John Merven
Carrigan, Kathryn
Carrington, Pauline Hogan
Carroll, Harry
Carver, Lorena
Carter, Lorenzo
Casey, William F. and Family
Cash, Alice
Cash, Rosalind
Cassell, Joseph
Castellani, Attilio N.
Caution, Margaret Lee
Cavileer, Clarence
Cavileer, Ralph N.
Charlton, C. Coulter, Dr.
Charlton, William
Chauhan, Ytit
Chenoweth, Arthur S.
Cherry, Wendell
Chew, John C.
Chittum, Donald
Ciaurella, Paul
Cicalese, Robert
Cicero, Joseph
Clark, Curene Clark
Clark, Walter
Clarke, Mae
Clayton, Willie B., Dr.
Clement, John
Coking, Vera
Cole, Barbara Mansfield
Cole, Isaac S., Rev.
Cole, Maurice Y.    
Colombo, Chris
Conover, Betty
Conover, Smith
Conrad, Eugene J.
Consalvo, Salvatore T., Jr.
Cook, Franklin P.
Cook, Harrison
Cooke, Lenny
Cooper, Lorraine
Cope, Paul M.
Corio, Joseph A.
Cornell, Margaret Price
Corry, Harold
Couch, Bernice Byrd
Covelski, Stan
Cowans, Joseph
Cox, William J.
Cozart, Winfield F.
Cramer, Catherine
Cress, Walter "Fred"
Creswell, Margaret
Cronkite, Walter
Crosby, James
Cross, June
Crosson, Edmond J.
Cuff, Alice
Cunningham, John T.
Cuskaden, Albert D., Dr.
Cuthbert, William S.

DaGrosa, John “Ox”
DaGrossa, Anthony
DaGrossa, Thomas
D'Amato, Angelo
D’Amato, Grace Anselmo
D’Amato, Paul “Skinny”
Damico, Joseph
Damico, Stephen A.
Daniels, Billy
Darlington, Earlene B.
Davenport, Clarence C., Sr.
Davis, Edward A. "Ed"
Davis, Elvera “Baby Sanchez”
Davis, Elwood
Davis, Georgeanna S.
Deane, Adelaide
DeBrier, Daniel, Gen.
DeHellebranth Family
Deitch, Samuel
DeLacy, Henry
DeSimone, Gabriel
Del Beato, Joe
DeLuca, Camillo
DeLuca, Daniel
De Santis, Dominico
Dempsey, Jack
Dennis, George
Detwiler, H. W. Bland, Rev.
Devine, Michael A.
Devinney, William L., Capt.
Devlin, Eddie
Devlin, James H.
Devlin, Louis T.
Dickerson, George Gibson
Dike, Clarence S.
Disston, Henry
Divine, Margaret Guy
Dixon, Delorise Trapp
DJ AM SEE: Goldstein, Adam
Doble, Charles K.
Dodd, Frank J. "Pat"
Dodson, Mall
Doggett, Frank B., Jr., Dr.
Donaldson, Edith
Donaway, Cordelia
Dorrington, Art
Dorrington, Dorothie W.
Dougherty, Arleen
Doughty Family
Downing, Emma W.
Downs, Margaret H.
Draper, Charles
Dumas, Theresa Johnson
Duncan, William K. "Bill"
Dunleavy, James Donald
DuRoss, Daniel
Drinkhouse, Donald F.
Duffy, Michael

Easley Family
Eaton, Charles A.
Eaton, Frances Steele
Edge, Walter E.
Edwards, Sallie Mae
Eisenstein, Jack, Dr.
Ekholm, A. Conrad
Elliot, Patrick Luke, Sr.
Elliott, Mabel
Elman, Harry “Ziggy”
Elwood, Robert Arthur, Dr.
Endicott, Allen B. and Allen B., Jr.
Endicott, Richard
Endicott, Thomas P.
Engelberg, Gusti
England, Bayard L.
England, Thomas M.
English, Albert
Essig, George Emerick
Estlow, Bert
Evans, Charles
Evans, Kevin
Evans, Lewis
Evans, Scott K.
Evard, Robert T.

Fagan, Harry M.
Fahey, Jack
Falcone, Silvio W., Jr.
Fansler, E. W.
Farley, Elmer J. “Eph”
Farley, Frank S. “Hap”
Farrell, James J.
Farris, Vera King
Faunce , William A.
Faurer, Louis
Feehan, John
Feinberg, Edward
Feldman, Dick
Fell, Evelyn
Fennan, William H.
Fenton, Arabella
Fenwick, Jeanne W.
Ferguson, Hannah
Ferry, Frank
Ferry, William Graham "Bud"
Fertig, Frank
Feyl, Albert J.
Feyl, Harold V.
Fiedler, Henry W.
Fildon, John A. "Jack"
Fink, John J., Rev.
Fink, Stanley
Fiore, Carl
Fiore, Frank D.
Fiore, Michael J.
Fischer, Chas. L.
Fish, Clyde M., Dr.
Fisher, Henry M., Rev.
Fitzpatrick, Jerry
Flach, John
Flaherty, J. Francis, Msgr.
Flaster, Karl W.
Floriani, Mario “Mud”
Flower, Frank R.
Foltz, Jesse A.
Ford, Christopher Joseph
Ford, Henry
Foreman, Viona Marie
Forman, Eleanor Cohen
Formica Family
Forrest, Charles
Forsythe, Albert, Dr.
Fotiou, Anthony R.
Foulois, Benjamin D., Maj. Gen.
Fox, Claire [SEE Fox, Thelma Claire]
Fox, James
Fox, John M.
Fox, Marion W., Dr.
Fox, Maude
Fox, Thelma Claire
Frambes, Horace K.
Frank, Samuel
Frascone, Angelo Ralph “Ang”
Fraser, James E. “Sonny”
Frazier, Wendy
Fredericks, Isaac
Fredericks, Murray
Freeman, Betty L.
French, Thos. E., Capt.
Friel, Martin Lowry, Jr.
Frudakis, Evangelos
Fulton, Bernard
Fundenberg, James von

Gale Family
Gardner, John James
Garrett, Thomas
Gaskill, Gordon A.
Gates, M. Estelle
Gatti, Eugene V.
Gaunt, Harold G.
Gaymon, William Dennis "Billy"
Gelb, Frank
Gemmel, William A.
Getzke, Marion S. (nee Springer)
Giberson, Daniel, Capt.
Gibson, Eva M.
Gilliam-Mosee, Redenia
Gillingham, Samuel A.
Gilmore, Chris
Gimbel, Richard
Ginsburg Family
Gisser, Norma Jean
Glass, Eleanor
Glass, Willie
Glenn Family
Godfrey, Carlton
Gold, Al
Gold, Marc
Goldberg, Maxwell "Sonny"
Goldstein, Adam "DJ AM"
Gomes, Dennis
Goodman, Benny
Gore, Betty
Gorman, Margaret
Gormley Family
Gormley, Raymond, Rev.
Gouldey, John
Gowdy, John
Graham, Clayton
Gramlich, Anne M.
Grant, Gary Lee, Jr.
Grant, Tony
Gravatt, Frank P.
Green, William
Greenberg, Louis
Greenberg, Sam
Greene, Edythe Collins
Greene, Maud R.
Greene, Ralph Preston, Jr.
Gregg, Carl Maceo
Gregory, T. Montgomery
Gross, Sheldon B.
Grossman, Meyer “Max”
Gruhler Family
Guardian, Donald A.
Guischard, Jack
Gunter-Gary, Shermaine
Gurney, Eliza P.

Haas, Gerald
Hackney Family
Haines, Dorothy Levy
Hall, Edna
Hall, Richelle
Hamer, Fannie Lou
Hamid Family
Hampton, Ida Mae
Hampton, Tashir
Haneman, Howard “Fritz”
Harris, Duane Edward
Harris, Edgar
Harris, Pattie
Harris, W. Oscar, Jr.
Harrold Family
Hart, Audrey [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection – Audrey Hart Photograph Collection]
Harvey, Nicola Marie
Hastings, Thomas
Hawkins, Elizabeth Della
Hawkins Family
Hayden, Marion
Hayes, Donald Jeffrey
Haynie, John and Mary
Headley, Samuel H.
Hedges, Edison
Heinisch, Carol Boyce
Helfgott-Hyett, Barbara [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection - ACFPL Collection of Scrapbooks]
Heston, Alfred M. [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection - Alfred M. Heston Papers]
High, Juanita
Hill, Bert Sr.
Hill, Marven F.
Hill, Pauline
Hill-Smith, Irene
Hines, Janie Moses
Hinkle, Simon C.
Hinton, Leo A.
Hitzel, Joseph M., Jr.
Hoffman, Elizabeth "Betty"
Hoffman, Samuel Charles
Hoffman, Samuel D.
Hogan, James C., Sr.
Holland, Dr. John "Doc"
Hollingsworth, Pierre
Hollingsworth, Soundra [SEE Usry-Hollingsworth]
Homberger Family
Homer, Winslow
Hope, Stan
Horn, Alma Fay [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection – Alma Fay Horn Photograph Collection]
Houssels, John Kell III
Houston, Charde
Hudgins, Gene
Hudson, Ralph James
Hudson, Thomas
Hunter, Pete
Hunter, Ralph, Sr.
Hurst, Ed
Hurst, Sarahjane
Hyde, Edith


Ianeri, Vincent [SEE: Patsy Wallace]
Idler, James C.
Indyg Family
Ingersoll, Robert H., Judge
Ireland, Jean
Ireland, Milton S., Dr.
Ireland, Sam
Ireland, W. Scott
Irwin, Wm. S., Dr.

Jackson, Marion A., Rev.
Jackson, Richard S.
Jacobs, Herbert Samuel, Judge
Jacobs, Irving I.
Jacobsen, Emanuel “Jake”
Jacobson, David
Jacoby, Reuben
Jagmetty, Susan
Jagmetty, Victor
James, Etta
James-Cahill, Judith
Jaquish, John H.
Jasper, John R.
Jeffries, Charles P.
Jeffries, Walter S.
Jenkins, Byron
Jewell, Dorothy SEE: Beatty, Dorothy
Johnson, Alfred
Johnson, Ben
Johnson, Brezette A.C.
Johnson, Charlotte
Johnson, Dorothy
Johnson, Douglass P.
Johnson, Earl E.
Johnson, Enoch L. “Nucky”
Johnson, Helen Lee
Johnson, Leavander
Johnson, Lisa
Johnson, May A.
Johnson, Nelson, Judge
Johnson, Talitha
Johnson, Todd
Johnson, V. Earl, Dr.
Jolt, Rabbi Harry
Jones, Candy (Jessie Wilcox)
Jones, Edward C.
Jones, Elaine Venus
Jones, Florence
Jones, Harry T.
Jordan, Edward
Jordan, Hortense Allen
Jordan, Virgie
Josephson, Joseph
Jubilee, Ernest
Juliano, Frank, Jr.

Kader, Abd’el
Kahanamoku, Duke
Kahn, Dorothy
Kampes, Louise R.
Kaplan, David
Kaplan, Sonia
Karpis, Alvin
Kassekert, Linda
Katz Family
Keating, Marie D.
Kelley, Hazel M.
Kelley, John C.
Kelly, John Linus
Kemp, Franklin W., Chief
Kennedy, John F., Pres.
Kester, William J.
King, Don
Kirkman, Elwood F.
Klein, Arthur
Kleiner, Steven Z., Judge
Kline, Nathan, Dr.
Klotz, Louis Herman (Red)
Knight, Edward R., Dr.
Koelle, William F. B.
Kohl, Jean
Korey, Mary
Kornblau, Alexander
Kot, Raymond
Kramer, Katherine
Krassenstein, Edward and Herb
Kravitz, Jeff
Kravitz, Seymour “Pinky”
Kreischer, Rodney “Pete”
Krouse, Walter R., Rev.
Kuehnle, Louis

Lake, Arthur E.
Lake, Simon
Lamb, Robert L., Jr.
Lambert, George and Mrs. George
Lampson, Norman R., Jr.
Lane, James V.
Lane, James W.
Lang, Eddie
Langford, Lorenzo
Langford, Nynell
Lanni, J. Terrence "Terry"
Lanning, Van Lier
Lapidus, Alan
Lapres, Theodore E. and Theodore E., Jr.
LaSane, Joanna
LaSane, Karlos II
Latz Family
Lawrence, Jacob
Lazarow, Joseph
Lee, Jean
Lee, Larry
Lee, Lawrence "Larry", Jr.
Leeds Family
Leeds, Harold L.
Lenhart, George S.
Leon, Ralph
Leopold, Leo
Levi, Vicki Gold
Levin, Helen Miller
Levine, Louis
Levitt, Barbara
Levy, Bob
Levy, Lillian
Lewis, John Wesley
Lewis, Mother Emma
Lewis, P. Mortimer and P. Mortimer, Jr.
Lieberman, Morton H.
Lilly, James
Lilly, Joseph S.
Lindsay, Frank P.
Lindsay, Warner
Lingerman, Joseph E.
Lippincott Family
Lippman, Louis
Lippman, Simon
Lloyd, John
Lloyd, John Henry “Pop” [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection - Pop Lloyd Collection]
Lockett, Amaza Morris
Loeb, Sabina
Loizeaux Family
Longabaugh, Harry
Lord, Ernest A.
Lowe, Hannah P.
Lucas, Stanley L.
Ludy, Robert B.
Lupacchino, Antoinette
Lyght, William L. D., Rev.
Lyles-Belton, John H.
Lyles-Belton, Nycole

MacDonald, Robert P. “Scotty”
Mack, Dominick "Duke"
Mack, Louise
Madden, Thomas J.
Madden, William J.
Madsen, Clifford J. Sr.
Mahurin, Walker M. "Bud"
Majane, John A.
Mangels, Arthur C.
Mangone, Rose K.
Mangravite, Peppino Gino
Mannning, Max
Mansfield, Calvin D. “Peg”
Marcus, Arnold, Lt. (JG)
Marcus, Charles
Margerum, Jay
Markland, Matthew B.
Marks, Albert A., Jr.
Marks, Mary Kay
Marrandino, Angelo
Marrando, Don
Marsh, William "Speedy"
Martin, Bobby
Martin, Carl A., Jr.
Martin, Geo. W.
Martinelli, Ezio
Marvel, Philip, Dr.
Mason, Harvey
Mason, Dr. James H., IV
Mathis, Eben
Mathis, J. Vaughn
Mathis, Jesse
Mathis, Lewis L.
Mathis, Sharon Yvonne Bell
Matthews, Michael J.
Maxwell, Charles W.
Maxwell, Robert Chester
Maynard, Bill
Mays, Billy
McAllister, Robert N.
McAvoy, George C.
McBroom, Frank M.
McCall, Lawrence Brock "Sonny", Sr.
McCann, Dorothy T.
McClinton, Ada
McClinton, Oscar E.
McCorkle, Louis
McCullough, James
McCullough, Marie
McDermott, John J., Jr.
McDevitt, Bob
McDonough, Thomas J.
McDuffie, Robert L.
McGahn, Joseph L., Dr.
McGahn, Patrick T., Jr.
McGee, Albert A. F.
McGee, Thomas Michael
McGinty, Edward
McGuinn, David Warren
McGurran, Nellie
McKnight, Edwin H., Dr.
McKnight, Howard Rex
McKnight, Vince
McKnight, William, Jr.
McLaughlin, William
McLeod Family
McMahon, Ed
McMahon, William
McMeekin, Daniel L.
McMeekin, Thomas, Jr.
McMenamin, John, Father
McMillan, John, Rev.
McNamee, Joseph A.
Mecaskie, Elsie
Mellin, Henry Merle, Dr.
Mellinger, Clyde L.
Mellon, Olive A.
Merlino Family
Meth, Max
Metzger, Anita
Meyers, Wilson S.
Middleton, Grace Hutton
Middleton, Jacob
Milan Family
Millan, Cristal
Miller, Anthony J., Jr.
Miller, Anthony P., Jr.
Miller, Anthony P., Sr.
Miller, Dorothy
Miller, Edward K.
Miller, Florence Valore
Miller, Henry J. “Heinie”
Miller, Henry Piper
Miller, Lois McGill
Miller, Paul Wendell
Mills, Charles A.
Misphit (Rapper)
Moise, William L.
Molley, Bailey
Molley, Robert "Midget"
Monheit, Helen
Monroe, Marilyn
Mooney, John J.
Mooney, John III
Moore, Alfred
Moore, Allan Harold
Moore, Charles Kauhaupio
Moore, Charles Sumner
Moore, Frank G.
Moore, Harry C, Jr.
Moore, John H.
Moore, Joseph
Moore, Noah, Jr., Bishop
Moore, William T.
Moore, Willie Hobbs
Moran, Edward A., Rev.
Moran, Gregory, Rt. Rev. Msgr.
Morgan, George Burke
Morris, Charles Joseph
Morris, Daniel, Colonel
Morris, Daniel Eugene
Morris, S. LeRoy, Dr. [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection - Records of Fay-Mor-Wee, Home for the Aged and Infirmary, Inc.]
Morro, Blanche
Moss, Joseph H.
Mostovoy, Floretta
Mottola, Carl A.
Mullen, George F.
Muller, Fred C.
Mulligan, Frank P.
Mullin, John J.
Mulloy, William A.
Mulock, Herman G.
Murchison, Carrie, Elder
Murtland, John
Musarra, Joseph Anthony
Musto, Richard
Myers, Jacob C.
Myers, Jo Ann

Naame,  George T., Judge
Nappen, Edward
Nee, Paul
Negrelli, Desiree
Nelson, Kadir
Nestor, George P.
Neustadter, Samuel and Milton
Newell, Ray Newcomb
Newell, Thomas E. B.
Newman, Arnold
Newman, Rose
Newsome, Clifford J.
Nichols, Armand T.
Nickerson, Dawn
Nirdlinger, Charles F.
Nixon, Al
Noon, Ruth M.
Nordheim, Harry “Knock”
North, James
Nutter, Ike

Ocasio, Benjamin Mojica
O’Connell, Daniel J.
O’Donnell, John A.
Off, Frank B.
Ogilvie, Thomas F.
Ojserkis, Sigmund
O’Keefe Family
Okonow, Richard L.
Ojserkis, Benjamin
Oldfield, Winifred C.
Oliver, Gaspar
Oliver, Morris A. "Moe"
Olsen, Alfred R.
O’Neill, John F.
O’Neill, John P.
O’Neill, Kathryn V.
O’Neill, Paul J.
O'Reilly, Alton
Orman, Stumpy
Orr, Andrew
Orsatti, Arnold
Ost, Clarence S.
Oswell, Audrey
Otachi, Anne Bowman
Ottenberg, Alfred and Sadie
Owen, Alan

Packer, Ella
Palley, Reese
Pallitto, Peter "Pete"
Palmer, Thomas U. “Cush”
Palmisano, Marie
Palsgrove, J. Lincoln
Parker, Earl K., III
Parker, Edwin A.
Parker, James
Parker, John A.
Parker, Joseph Frank
Parker, Lucille
Parker, William F.
Parker, William F., Rev.
Parks, Rosa
Parsons, John W.
Pasquale, Joseph
Patterson, Russell
Paxson, Maie
Paxson, Joseph A.
Pellegrini, Robert
Pendleton, Emily B.
Perez, Rodolpho
Perfetti, Peter
Pergament, Allen "Boo"
Perkins, Alfred
Perkins, Nathaniel Lee
Perrone, Tony
Perskie, David M., Judge
Perskie, Jacob H.
Perskie, Joseph B., Justice
Perskie, Marvin
Perskie, Steven
Petersen, Christine M.
Petri, P. J., Msgr.
Pettijohn Family
Phillips, Adrain W.
Pinkney, Jackie Bass
Pitney, Jonathan, Dr.
Plum, J. Bunker
Plummer, Edward J.
Poffenberger, Alvin C.
Polillo, Joseph
Polisano, Angelina V.
Pollock, Michael
Pompeji, Elmo F.
Poole, George L.
Porch, Robert
Porten, David
Porter, Alexander W.
Postoll, Harry
Potter, Floyd A.
Powell, William M., Jr.
Preis, Ruth and Maurice J.
Price, Chloe [SEE: Sheppard, Chloe Price]
Price, William L.
Prosser, Evan
Purinton, Arthur J.
Purmell, Bluma Rappoport

Quaremba, John, Rev.
Quince, Remer
Quinn, James J.
Quinn, Norman J., Dr.
Quirk, Joseph R.

Raft, George
Raheem, Turiya S.A.
Rahn, Nathan D., Dr.
Ralston, George F., Jr.
Ramsey, Norman Percy
Rando, James J.
Rando, Nicholas G.
Rasheed, Dafiq
Rauffenbart, John and Thomas W.
Read, Hilton, Dr.
Reardon Family
Rechnic, Rose
Reed, David C.
Reed, Lewis and Thomas K., Drs. [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection - Dr. Thomas K. Reed Paintings]
Reed, William A.
Reeder, Valare E.
Reeves, Norman “Bees”
Reiber, F. Edwin
Reid, Bruce
Reilly, James B.
Reinhart, Nathan
Reis, Lillian "Tiger Lil"
Reitman, Harry
Rentschler, William H.
Repetto, Louis A.
Rey, Anthony M.
Reynolds, Charles C.
Rha, Catharine
Rhodes, Mabel
Rice, Ben
Rice, Thelma A.
Rich, Barry
Rich, Maurice F.
Rich, Wilfred B.
Richards, Emerson L.
Richards, S. Bartram
Richards, Samuel
Richardson Family
Richman, George
Richmond, H. Bradford
Rider, James A.
Riddle Family
Rightor, Chester E.
Rimm, Benjamin A.
Rink, Edward C.
Risley Family
Ritson, Thomas
Ritter, Dorothy
Rivera, Eric, Spc.
Roberts, Elwood Samuel, II
Roberts, George F.
Robinson, Eugene
Robinson, Jesse
Robinson, Sammy
Robinson, Ulysses Grant
Rochford, Emma S.
Rockwell, George Lincoln
Rohr, Philip
Roney, Russell C., Jr. and Sr.
Rongione, Alfred
Roome, Helen
Rose, Maurice, Jr.
Rosen, William and Charles
Rosenbaum, Elias
Rosenbaum, Jack
Rosenblatt Family
Rosengard, Samuel
Rosevear, Charles W.
Roth, Edwin J.
Rothberg, Saranne
Rothholz, Samuel
Rovner, Edward
Rowan, Robert Dennis “Sarge”
Rowell, David Howard
Rowley, Jesse L.
Royal, Wilbert “Huff”
Royer, Alfred Joseph
Rudich, Philip
Ruffolo, Bob
Ruffu, Anthony M., Jr.
Ruffu, Bill
Rundstrom, Leonard G.
Russo, Ronald R.
Rutherford, Maude Russell
Ryan, Maud

Sackett, Ada Taylor
Sady Family
Sage, Charles H. "Chick"
Sanders, Clara
Sanders, Joseph S.
Sandler, Chaim H.
Sandler, David R.
Sandler, Ric
Santoro, Vincent R. "Fuzzy"
Saracini, Victor J.
Saseen, Alfred
Saseen, George, Dr.
Sateriale, Joseph (Joe Sater)
Saul, Harry Dr.
Saul, Myer
Savage, Viola May
Savitt, Jacob B.
Scanlan, D. Ward and David B., Drs.
Scanlan, Edward A.
Scanlan, Jack
Scanlan, Mazie
Schaefer, Madeline
Schaufler, Aloysius
Scheiter, George A.
Schiff, Abraham and Robert
Schimpf, Theodore, W., Judge
Schoffer, Leo B.
Schoppy, William
Schultz, John
Schurgot, Helena
Schwab, William M.
Schwartz, Conrad
Schwartz, David G. 
Schwartz, Samuel "Sonny"
Schwendy, Carl Paul
Schwickerath, Frank A., Mrs.
Sciuto, Marie F.
Scott, Lewis P., Jr.
Scull, C. Mulford
Scull, Charles L.
Seedorf, Lillian Elizabeth "Betty"
Segal, Nathan A.
Segal, William I.
Segel, Harry C. “Chick”
Selya, John
Senseman, Theodore, Dr.
Siegfried, John A.
Shabazz, Hakim "Rob Jackson"
Shabazz, Kaleem
Shahadi, Albert N.
Shakur, Dr. Imam Khairi A.
Shaner, Frank J.
Shaw, Luther, Dr.
Shaw, Robert
Shellem, Robert P.
Shelton, Henrietta
Sheppard, Chloe Price
Shepperson, Raymond E.
Sherman, Fred
Shields, William B.
Shinn Family
Shivers, Charles
Shronk, Eugene W.
Sickler, Harry T.
Silverman, Jack
Silvers, Homer I., Dr.
Simon, Bryant
Simone, Nina
Simpson, Matilda E.
Sinagra, Attilio
Sinatra, Frank
Sinderbrand Family
Sindoni, Anthony, Dr.
Sindoni, Frank Maiorana
Singer, Milton M., Mrs.
Siniari Family
Sinkinson, Charles, Dr.
Siracusa Family
Sivade, Suzanne
Skean, Albert H.
Skinner, Wilma
Slade, Irving
Slape, Harry L.
Slaughter, Lenora S.
Slotoroff Family
Smalley, Russell, Lt.
Smathers, William H.
Smith, Harry Ellsworth, Capt.
Smith, Lawrence
Smith, W. Hibberd
Snead, Mabelle Clark
Snyder, Willard Poinsette “W.P.”
Soble, Jack M.
Solanas, Valerie
Soloff, Joseph L.
Solomon, Manny
Somers, Florence
Somers, Harry G.
Somers, Hubert
Somers, Isora Blackman
Somers, Leon C.
Somers, Richard
Somers, Warren, Sr.
Somers, William T.
Soto, Bernard Mathew "Bernie"
Souder, Charles, Dr.
Souder, Kenneth
Speas, Mary “Peg”
Speciale, Vincent “Mr. Music”
Spillane, Maurice R., Rt. Rev. Msgr.
Spitler, Diane
Spreng, Mortimer
Stankard, Paul
Stanley, Milford W., Jr.
Starn, Clarence, Capt.
Staten, Bobby T.
Stebbins, Blanche “Babette”
Steel, Paul Halderman, Dr.
Steele, Larry
Steelman, Edgar
Steelman, Granville H.
Steelman, Paul
Steelman, Peter Lee
Steinbricker, Louis
Stern, Alex
Stern, William
Sterns, Joel H.
Stetser, Edward L. “Dutch”
Stetson, Wayne
Stewart, Blair
Stewart, Shirldine
Stiles, Arthur Henry
Still, James, Jr.
St. John, Louis
Stokking, William
Stolz, Adolf
Stout, Howard A.
Stoneburg, John H.
Stoy, Franklin P.
Stratton, Mason A.
Strickland, Clarence
Strotbeck, John
Stuckey, Henry
Styles, John E.
Suarez, Raul “Cook Books”
Subin, Harry J., Dr..
Sullivan, Jerry J.
Sundance Kid SEE: Longabaugh, Harry
Sundra, Steve
Surtees, Emily
Swann,  Charles H., Capt.
Sweeney, George E. “Mike”
Sweeney, Harry A., Dr.
Sweeney, Richard
Swift, Richard E.
Sykes, John
Sykes, Matthew

Taber, David
Taggart, Thomas D. [SEE ALSO: Archival Collection - Taggart Scrapbook Collection]
Taliaferro, John Smith
Talley, Jere Elaine
Tannenbaum, Samuel A.
Targan, Donald G.
Tate, Millicent
Tate-Harrington, Celestine
Taylor, Eleanor
Taylor, Ralph L.
Tendler, Lew
Thomas, Harvey
Thomas, Lillian SEE ALSO: Raheem, Turiya S.A.
Thomas, William C. “Whitey”
Thompson, Doris B., Rev.
Thompson, “Happy”
Thompson, Harold H. “Slim”
Thompson, Jesse B., Dr.
Thompson, Joseph
Thompson, Mary Louise
Thompson, Philip E. M.
Thompson, Walter
Throckmorton, Cleon
Tilton Family
Timberlake, Baxter H., Dr.
Tisch Family
Tompkins, Grace S.
Toomey, Mary
Torcasio, Anthony T.
Torlini, Mamie
Totoro, Louis
Townsend, Bessie M.
Townsend, J. Hardenbrook, Rev.
Townsend, Thomas V.
Trader, Charles E.
Trench Family
Trilling Family
Trimble, Gerald R.
Tripician, Louis N.
Troy, Mary
Truex Family
Trusty, Sid
Tubis, Max
Turner, Florence
Turner, Frank
Turner, Maceo
Turton, Teresa L.
Two Moon, Chief
Tyner, Hank

Ulizio, B. George
Uncles, Doris
Usry, James L.
Usry-Hollingsworth, Soundra
Uzzell, Dr. Edwin F.

Valentino, Rudolph
Van Felix, Maurice
Van Gilder Family
Van Sant, Morrell C. “Gyp”
Vanderveer, Lettie C.
Vasser, Jeffrey
Venuti, Joe
Verga, George Perry
Vilensky, Benjamin
Vessella, Oreste
Vigue, Gerald

Wagenheim, Joseph
Wagenheim, Meyer
Wagner, Herman L.
Waiters, Mother Ethel
Walker, Lt. Wm. C. “Slick”
Walker, Wm. C.
Wallace, Patsy (Vincent Ianeri)
Walling, Frank Wilson
Walsh, Edward
Walter, Lewis L., Dr.
Walton, Kenneth B.
Wamsher, Michael, Jr.
Wannamaker Family
Ward, Aleathia
Ward, Bruce
Ward, Lloyd L. "Scope"
Washington, Joseph Winston, Sr.
Washington, Pamela Y.
Washington, Sara Spencer
Wathen, Hugh L.
Watson, Latoya Nicole
Watson, Robert A.
Wawa Dairies
Waxman, Harry I.
Way, Warren Wade, Rev.
Weakley Family
Weatherby, Anna Elizabeth
Webster, Jean
Weeden, A. E.
Weekes, Reginald E., Jr.
Weeks, Jim, Dr.
Weidenfeld Family
Weilerstein Family
Weintraub Family
Weinberg, Melvin
Weinberger, Billy
Weintrob, Joseph
Weiss, Stan
Weitz, Martin M. Rabbi
Wellhofer, William G.
Werntz,  Charles L.
Wescoat, Absalom Steelman, Dr.
Wescott, William C., Dr.
Wescott, William Carter
Westney, Harry L., Dr.
Wexler, Linda
Whartman, Isaor C.
Whelan, James
Whelan, John J.
White, Chas. Doughty
White, Daniel S.
White, F. Fisher
White Family (Josiah III and Kirby)
White, John J., Judge
White, Joseph T., Dr.
Whitehead, Alfred W.
Whitehead, Thomas E.
Whitman, Bertram
Whitman, Walt
Whitmore, Frank C.
Whitmoyer, Raymond B.
Whittington, John Paul
Wiederwax, Robert
Wiesenthal, Allen
Wiessler, Anne
Wigglesworth, Virginia
Wilcox, Isabel G.
Wilkins, George
Wilkins, Kevin
Wilson, Daniel Walsh
Williams, Allison
Williams, Maude
Williams, Norman
Williams, William G. “Billy”
Willis, Robert M.
Wilson, Afric D.
Wilson, Albert M.
Wilson, Andrew P. “Drew”
Wilson, Catrina
Wilson, Charles E., Sr., Dr.
Wilson, George E.
Wilson, Martin S., Jr.
Wilson, William J.
Winn, Samuel L.
Wirtschafter, Jay Milder
Wolfe, Phyllis
Wolfson, Paul Martin, Dr.
Wood, Jack E. Jr.
Woodland, Joseph
Wootton, Thomas B.
Wright, Elias, General
Wright Family
Wright, Willard
Wu Family
Wynn, Steve

Yates, Harry E.
Young, Donald
Young, John, Capt.
Young-Keenan, Margaret E. "Peg"
Youngman, Maurice D., Dr.

Zaberer, Rita Ann
Zaris, Louis
Ziegler, Raymond M.
Zugsmith, Albert

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